About Our Editing
The Nanbyo Support Network Hokkaido started in 2007.
The main object is to edit “Patient Groups in Japan” which reflects the Japanese social welfare history through the patients’ advocacy movement.
Mr. Tateo Ito, the main editor of this project said that “The traumatic outcry for help from the Nanbyo patients moved the mass media and society at large, leading to an overhaul of the Japanese social welfare system.”
The purpose of editing is not only to look back on the historical accounts and documentation relating to social welfare, but also to acknowledge the contributions that solidified the network of patients, constitutional right to live edict. Our aim is to empower suffering patients and improve their overall quality of life.
Although, I cannot speak from experience as a sufferer of an intractable disease and am older than most I am however motivated and committed to supporting this important project indirectly. I also hope to enable the next generation to be capable and strong.
Thank you for your cooperation.
April 5, 2008
Patient Groups in Japan
Chief Editor Mitsuko Kojima
Chief Editor:
Mitsuko Kojima
Professor Emeritus, Nihon Fukushi University
“Living with Disabilities/ Medical Treatment and Welfare Service for Senior Citizens in the Community” [Translated from Japanese.], Minerva Hobo
“An Introductory Book of Welfare” [Translated from Japanese.], Hitotsubashi-Shuppan
“Theory of the New Medical Social Worker -System Development-” [Translated from Japanese.] , Minerva Shobo
Tateo Ito
NANBYO Support Network Japan
Former Representative, Hokkaido Nanbyoren
Former Representative, Japan Patients Association (JPA)
Shiori Nagamori
NANBYO Support Network Japan
Secretariat, “Patients Groups in Japan”
Secretariat, Society of NANBYO Centers
Former Counselor, Hokkaido Nanbyoren
Social Worker